There are endless volunteer opportunities available at Hillcrest Hospital Claremore. Adults and senior citizens alike donate many volunteer hours to provide support to the hospital.
The Hillcrest Hospital Claremore Auxiliary, with a membership of more than 80 active volunteers, donates over 12,000 hours of service each year. Volunteers can be found providing assistance in Patient Transportation, hosting the waiting areas for Surgery, Emergency and Outpatient Services, directing visitors at the Information Desk, delivering flowers and mail, providing courier and clerical services and operating the hospital Gift Shop.
Since 1969, the Auxiliary has donated tens of thousands of dollars in hospital equipment and scholarships to students in pursuit of careers in the medical field. With funds raised through Gift Shop sales, Book Fairs, Jewelry Shows and Vending Machine proceeds, the Auxiliary has purchased video equipment for patient education, portable incubators, treadmill equipment, highchairs, wheelchairs, gurneys and much more.
The Auxiliary also provides additional support to the hospital and community by participating as volunteers in quarterly blood drives and in the city/county disaster preparedness plan. The Auxiliary actively supports the Rogers County Adult Daycare program and the Hair Fashions for Cancer Patients program.
Hillcrest Hospital Claremore is fortunate and proud to have such a dedicated and committed group of volunteers. Their efforts truly increase the efficiency of hospital operations.
If you are interested in donating your time to a fulfilling volunteer opportunity, where what you do "makes a difference," please contact the Volunteer Office at 918-342-6767. You may also click here to download an application form (PDF).